Friday, November 30, 2012

Extra Credit 2: frontline 1hr long :The real CSI

Can finger prints lie?

Can two finger prints be the same or similar?

Can forensics make a mistake?

The answer to both questions is yes. Finger prints along with other forensic comparisons have been discovered to be no longer one hundred percent accurate. During this frontline episode, we learn the reasons why a lot of forensic test comparisons are no longer testified as they used to in the court of law. This video tells us the story of a few individuals who were unfairly accused of a crime they did not commit; all because of a forensics' testimony. 

The first case was about an attorney, Brandon Mayfield, who was accused of a terrorist attack that happened in Spain. Evidence was that his finger prints was a one hundred percent full match on the finger prints found on the crime scene. He was being charged of a crime he did not do or was capable of doing; only proof needed for a conviction was the fingerprint match. Forensics said, "there was no way we can be wrong, finger prints is an identical match." At the end, Mayfield  was found innocent when they had found the true terrorist in Nigeria. Other cases mentioned in the video of a wrongfully forensic evidence are the cases of both Lebron Brooks and Casey Anthony. Brooks was convicted for murder over a bite mark that was found on the body of a woman that matched his and Anthony was being charged for murder from the odor of a dead body in her trunk. Both Brooks and Anthony were eventually found innocent after analyzing the wrongful evidence that were alleged towards them. 

Overall, this video proves that forensics can make mistake and that these mistakes can be very crucial and wrong wen used in the court of law. This video has made me realize that there is a lot of corruption and wrongful doing in the court of law. I believe it is best to stay away from the justice system.

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